=== Reverse Engineer Existing MySQL Database Tables to xPDO Maps and Classes ===
This script generates the XML schema and PHP class files that describe custom
database tables.
This script is meant to be executed once only: after the class and schema files
have been created, the purpose of this script has been served.
1. Upload this file to the root of your MODx installation
2. Set the configuration details below
3. Navigate to this script in a browser to execute it,
e.g. http://yoursite.com/thisscript.php
or, you can do this via the command line, e.g. php this-script.php
Please configure the options below.
Creates XML and PHP files:
Be sure to create a valid database user with permissions to the appropriate
databases and tables before you try to run this script, e.g. by running
something like the following:
CREATE USER 'your_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'y0urP@$$w0rd';
GRANT ALL ON your_db.* TO 'your_user'@'localhost';
Be sure to test that the login criteria you created actually work before
continuing. If you *can* log in, but you receive errors (e.g. SQLSTATE[42000] [1044] )
when this script runs, then you may need to grant permissions for CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES
$debug = true; // if true, will include verbose debugging info, including SQL errors.
$verbose = true; // if true, will print status info.
// The XML schema file *must* be updated each time the database is modified, either
// manually or via this script. By default, the schema is regenerated.
// If you have spent time adding in composite/aggregate relationships to your
// XML schema file (i.e. foreign key relationships), then you may want to set this
// to 'false' in order to preserve your custom modifications.
$regenerate_schema = TRUE;
// Class files are not overwritten by default
$regenerate_classes = TRUE;
// Your package shortname:
$package_name = 'xxx';
// Database Login Info can be set explicitly:
$database_server = 'xxx';
$database_user = 'xxx';
$database_password = 'xxx';
$dbase = 'xxx';
// If your tables use a prefix, this will help identify them and it ensures that
// the class names appear "clean", without the prefix.
$table_prefix = 'modx_xxx';
// If you specify a table prefix, you probably want this set to 'true'. E.g. if you
// have custom tables alongside the modx_xxx tables, restricting the prefix ensures
// that you only generate classes/maps for the tables identified by the $table_prefix.
$restrict_prefix = true;
// OR, use your MODx Revo connection details. Just uncomment the next line:
$base_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
$xpdo_path = strtr( $base_path . '/core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php', '\\', '/');
include_once ( $xpdo_path );
// A few definitions of files/folders:
$package_dir = "$base_path/core/components/$package_name/";
$model_dir = "$base_path/core/components/$package_name/model/";
$class_dir = "$base_path/core/components/$package_name/model/$package_name";
$schema_dir = "$base_path/core/components/$package_name/model/schema";
$mysql_class_dir = "$base_path/core/components/$package_name/model/$package_name/mysql";
$xml_schema_file = "$base_path/core/components/$package_name/model/schema/$package_name.mysql.schema.xml";
// A few variables used to track execution times.
$mtime= microtime();
$mtime= explode(' ', $mtime);
$mtime= $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$tstart= $mtime;
// Validations
if ( empty($package_name) )
print_msg('<h1>Reverse Engineering Error</h1>
<p>The $package_name cannot be empty! Please adjust the configuration and try again.</p>');
// Create directories if necessary
$dirs = array($package_dir, $schema_dir ,$mysql_class_dir, $class_dir);
foreach ($dirs as $d)
if ( !file_exists($d) )
if ( !mkdir($d, 0777, true) )
print_msg( sprintf('<h1>Reverse Engineering Error</h1>
<p>Error creating <code>%s</code></p>
<p>Create the directory (and its parents) and try again.</p>'
, $d
if ( !is_writable($d) )
print_msg( sprintf('<h1>Reverse Engineering Error</h1>
<p>The <code>%s</code> directory is not writable by PHP.</p>
<p>Adjust the permissions and try again.</p>'
, $d));
if ( $verbose )
print_msg( sprintf('<br/><strong>Ok:</strong> The necessary directories exist and have the correct permissions inside of <br/>
<code>%s</code>', $package_dir));
// Delete/regenerate map files?
if ( file_exists($xml_schema_file) && !$regenerate_schema && $verbose)
print_msg( sprintf('<br/><strong>Ok:</strong> Using existing XML schema file:<br/><code>%s</code>',$xml_schema_file));
$xpdo = new xPDO("mysql:host=$database_server;dbname=$dbase", $database_user, $database_password, $table_prefix);
// Set the package name and root path of that package
$xpdo->setPackage($package_name, $package_dir, $package_dir);
$manager = $xpdo->getManager();
$generator = $manager->getGenerator();
//Use this to create an XML schema from an existing database
if ($regenerate_schema)
$xml = $generator->writeSchema($xml_schema_file, $package_name, 'xPDOObject', $table_prefix, $restrict_prefix);
if ($verbose)
print_msg( sprintf('<br/><strong>Ok:</strong> XML schema file generated: <code>%s</code>',$xml_schema_file));
// Use this to generate classes and maps from your schema
if ($regenerate_classes)
print_msg('<br/>Attempting to remove/regenerate class files...');
delete_class_files( $class_dir );
delete_class_files( $mysql_class_dir );
// This is harmless in and of itself: files won't be overwritten if they exist.
$generator->parseSchema($xml_schema_file, $model_dir);
$mtime= microtime();
$mtime= explode(" ", $mtime);
$mtime= $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$tend= $mtime;
$totalTime= ($tend - $tstart);
$totalTime= sprintf("%2.4f s", $totalTime);
if ($verbose)
print_msg("<br/><br/><strong>Finished!</strong> Execution time: {$totalTime}<br/>");
if ($regenerate_schema)
print_msg("<br/>If you need to define aggregate/composite relationships in your XML schema file, be sure to regenerate your class files.");
exit ();
INPUT: $dir: a directory containing class files you wish to delete.
function delete_class_files($dir)
global $verbose;
$all_files = scandir($dir);
foreach ( $all_files as $f )
if ( preg_match('#\.class\.php$#i', $f) || preg_match('#\.map\.inc\.php$#i', $f))
if ( unlink("$dir/$f") )
if ($verbose)
print_msg( sprintf('<br/>Deleted file: <code>%s/%s</code>',$dir,$f) );
print_msg( sprintf('<br/>Failed to delete file: <code>%s/%s</code>',$dir,$f) );
Formats/prints messages. The behavior is different if the script is run
via the command line (cli).
function print_msg($msg)
if ( php_sapi_name() == 'cli' )
$msg = preg_replace('#<br\s*/>#i', "\n", $msg);
$msg = preg_replace('#<h1>#i', '== ', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace('#</h1>#i', ' ==', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace('#<h2>#i', '=== ', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace('#</h2>#i', ' ===', $msg);
$msg = strip_tags($msg) . "\n";
print $msg;
/* EOF */