After creating the page, the white sheet and the JSON error

MODX 2.7.2
PHP 7.3.6
Hello! The site worked normally, then the problems began. After saving the page, nothing shows on it. And in the logs error: “Processor failed creation output array due to JSON error 5”

upd.When you repeatedly press the document save button, the page then works fine.

Can you please provide the code for the respective site?

How can I provide the site code? What do you need in the first place? Calls or HTML code?

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I don’t think plain HTML would cause a JSON error, therefore all calls and potentially used extras might be worth looking at. You can provide large chunks of codes by putting them in 3 single ticks --> ` here.

Also what were the recent changes you made? Was there anything new compared to before (as you mentioned the site worked fine then)?

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JSON error 5 has to do with the inability to encode special characters. See this older forum thread for example. You’ll probably have to make sure your database stores data as UTF-8.

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Unfortunately, I don’t remember for sure. Fenom activated. After that, the problems began. Turning off Fenom doesn’t solve the problem.

So, when you create a document, you don’t have supported characters in the database?

Then why, when you repeatedly press the document save button, the page then works fine?

The JSON error you mentioned has to do with formatting the response from the action (saving in this case); it doesn’t mean the action wasn’t successful.

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So it’s not about transferring unsupported characters, it’s about the problem of saving in the database itself. So look for a problem in the database itself?

What could it be? In some table is not the correct encoding is different from UTF-8?

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Right, exactly. What is your database, Latin/Swedish? Do you have any non-English content?

If you change the db collation, you have to change the whole db not just some fields.

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