Weird error messages in new 3.0.4 installation when adding extras

I just started a new MODX Cloud with 3.0.4 and get this type of error when installing extras:

[2023-12-12 17:45:56] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 433) PHP warning: filesize(): stat failed for
[2023-12-12 17:45:56] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 756) PHP warning: A non-numeric value encountered

What does Amazon have to do with extras? I’ve installed four extras, and three of them show this type of error with AmazonAWS. Installing ClientConfig listed a different domain, though:

The errors occur after downloading extras, before installing them.

I’ll check into this but historically the Extras were stored at S3. I believe with the release of the new Extras site this may have changed and you are hitting a big of some kind.


We could not replicate these errors on testing. It’s possible that there was some transient S3 issues during the time of the installation. Are you able to see if this recurrs?

Yes, it’s still happening. I installed UltimateParent in the new site and got this:

[2023-12-14 15:20:26] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 433) PHP warning: filesize(): stat failed for
[2023-12-14 15:20:26] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 756) PHP warning: A non-numeric value encountered

Same thing installing TinyMceRTE

I was able to replicate this. But it does not seem to cause any problem, so I think you can safely ignore it. That said, if you could put this in an issue at GitHub, I’ll try to take a look at it in more depth.
