Website only show's data from content field. Nothing else, no template, no html, no images, no css [SOLVED]

I’ve used the sudo user you posted to take a look. Figured I’d use the randomly generated password for good…

While I don’t want to be the “I told you so” guy… I told you what the problem was a week ago

Your “F1 Redacteur” user group had an Element Category Policy set up for the “F1podcast” category. Other user groups did not have a policy for that element. Meaning only your F1 Redacteur had access to those chunks and templates.

I’ve removed that policy from the user group, refreshed permissions (may need to restart your private browser or logout/login), and your /afleveringen url seems to work fine now.


Mark, thank you so much. Another Belgium beer(s) for you next time we meet.
Yes you told me so and I tried to figure out what to do with the ACL (Access Control Lists). But could not figure out what to do, the solution you just pointed out.

Many many thanks.


My apologies for distracting you from Mark’s suggestion. I assumed that you had already ruled it out.

I’m glad you got things sorted.

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Thank you so much for you time. I’m happy it is solved, my mistake.

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