User Cannot Access Pre-Exiting MIGX TV / Media Source

I’ve created a test user and placed it into a nonAdmin user group.

I have created a Site Images media source and configured the basePath and baseUrl settings to point to the Site Images folder. I added the nonAdmin user group on the Access Permissions tab.

On the Access Control Lists > Update User Group > Permissions > Media Source Access, I have added the Site Images media source.

The test user cannot access the media media source via a MIGX TV. Both the media source and TV were created before the user profile was.

I created a new image TV and associated it to the Site Images media source. The test user has access to the media source via the TV.

I don’t know if the issue is with MIGX or the media source, but something about the user being created after them is preventing access.

Please advise.

Bumping this. Can anyone explain what’s going on?

I added a new MIGX TV, same configuration, but after the media source and test user was added. Logged in as test user, the image field within the MIGX interface does not load the Site Images media source – I provides no option to add an image at all.

I created a testimage TV (type image) and associated it it to the Site Images media source. Logged in as testuser, I have access to the TV from the resource template that.

There is an issue with MIGX. Anyone know what it is?