Use Pagination in on Articles Category page

I need to add pagination to on my articles category page. Does anyone know how to do this?

By default you should be able to use articles paging:

   <div class='paging'>
      <ul class='pageList'>

Settings can be found in your main articles resource under Advanced Settings > Pagination
Some more info also in this thread.

Yes but that does not work on the Article Category Template page. It only works when you put it in the content box of the blog.

What does your getPage snippet look like?

It looks like it is set up right. It has the First, next, last, parameters

This is what the category page has:

[[!getResources:ifempty=`<h2 class = "text-center">No Articles in this category</h2>`? 

&parents=8 &limit=10
&tvFilters=articles_categories==[[!query_params? &param=category]]

You’ll need to use getPage instead of just getResources to get pagination working.