Upgraded from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 with no problem 4 days ago. Now try to upgrade to 3.1.0 and I get this message
“Multiple modUserGroup records with the same authority were found. You will need to update these to have unique authority values and then re-run the upgrade”.
This doesn’t mean a thing to me and I have no idea what to do next
That should say modUserGroupRole records; otherwise, it is precisely what it says. You have multiple modUserGroupRoles with the same authority value. This should not have been allowed, but the constraints were not there to prevent it. You will need to remove the duplicate role records before you can proceed with the upgrade.
These are the roles defined under → “Access Control Lists” (manager/?a=security/permission) → tab “Roles”.
The value of the column “Authority” has to be unique for every role.
By the way, MODX 3.1.0 has some annoying bugs.
So if you don’t want to patch MODX immediately after upgrading, you might want to reconsider upgrading to version 3.1.0 right now.
Sorry to crash this discussion - @halftrainedharry could you expand on this? I’ve had a few sites on 3.1.0 with no issues … so I updated a bundle of sites today. I’m now a bit worried what’s going to crop up!
I was aware of the Package Manager issue. While the Install button IS missing, the Reinstall button is present and this seems to work fine for installing new packages.
Hadn’t noticed the Error Log etc issue - hopefully we’ll get an update for these soon.
Thanks once again halftrainedharry. I couldn’t find a way to change the authority level of a role but fortunately I no longer needed the role so I got rid the role and the authority level.
Your advice regarding 3.1 is noted and I won’t be going there anytime soon but I will sort out the roles/authority level on all three of my databases so I am ready when the time comes.
[Update] I reported another bug here about packages not being recognized as updates in 3.1.0, which turns out not to be a bug. It was a flaw in my MODX test site.
In further testing, I learned more about the missing “Install” button in MODX 3.1.0.
I tested installing a minimal package that has separate “Install” and “Update” sections in resolvers and validators. I can confirm that in 3.1.0, using “Reinstall” works as it should with respect to resolvers and validators. For new packages, the “Install” section executes, for new versions that update the package, the “Update” section executes.
So, using Reinstall will be a reliable workaround until the fix for the missing “Install” button is released.