Update contentblocks directly on the content table database


I’m currently working on updating multiple resources that contain content block sections. To streamline this process, I attempted to copy the structure of the content from the site_content table and replace the content for each resource by updating the content column accordingly.

Although the content seems to be saved successfully on the table and appears correctly on the frontend, I’m encountering an issue where nothing is showing up in the resource manager. Just to note, I’m using VersionX.

I understand that this method might not be the best practice, but I’m looking for a way to expedite the process.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

ContentBlocks saves the data in two places of the database table modx_site_content:

In the column properties as the actual blockstructure and its data.
In the column content as the preparsed HTML output.

ContentBlocks uses the data from the properties column to show the editing UI in the manager.

Great! thank you so much!

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