Tagger selected Tags from Content for related content


i have developed a solution for my web blog using Tagger, based on the approach discussed in anotzer topic here. This functionality recommends related articles on the blog-article-detail-page. At the end of the article, all other posts (excluding itself) tagged with in oe of my examples ‘schoener-unterwegs’ are displayed.

        &tags=`schoener-unterwegs,[[!TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tag` &separator=`,` &outTpl=`tags`]]`

Is it possible to automatically pass the tags used by the blog article to pdoResources?"

i try it with: &rowTpl=@INLINE [[+alias]] but it shows all blog-articles

        &tags=`[[!TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]`&rowTpl=`@INLINE [[+alias]]` &separator=`,` &outTpl=`tags`]]`

i find nothing to get all used tags from the article, for further related posts/bogs.