Here is In the Collections category, not just products should be displayed, but Several different collections, and already products in them.
So, no matter what I do, no matter what template types and resource types I set, only products are displayed. But in fact, there are 2 more categories with just 1 product each. And only products are displayed.
I can see that you are using “MiniShop2”. So I guess this is an issue with “MiniShop2”?
Are you using MODX 3?
It’s my understanding that “MiniShop2” isn’t compatible with MODX 3.
They are working on a version “MiniShop3” for MODX 3, but I believe that’s not yet released.
Anyhow, for issues with “MiniShop2”, you better use the russian MODX forum:
“MiniShop2” is mainly used in russia, so there are more people there that can help you.
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