Found an annoying bug in 3.0 and also in 3.1.0
In the manager Menu the ‘Manage button’ has disappeared.
It’s now impossible to add/edit users, editing ACL’s or edit/add resource groups
See att. screenshots.
I have to add a new user. Does anyone know how to solve this?
Yes in MODX 3.1 the menu items that were under “Manage” have been moved to other menus.
Why is this impossible?
Can’t you just use the menu items in the new location (as shown in your third screenshot)?
Changes are not saved. Tried to add new user. Didn’t work
Saving changes doesn’t work with Edge. Using Firefox as browser, there are no problems. Strange… but another topic.
It works also if ‘show new password on screen’ is checked. Just like Dejaya mentioned.
It’s still a bug I would say.
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