Spin up a MODX Instance on Codeanywhere

How to quickly spin up MODX on Codeanywhere

This tutorial walks through Codeanywhere features and steps to do a quick install of MODX on a Codeanywhere container.


  1. About me
  2. Intro to Codeanywhere
  3. Install Script
  4. Custom Stacks


Install Script: GitHub - jaredfhealy/codeanywhere-modx-install: Quick install script for CodeAnywhere PHP Container. Quick download and install of MODX Revolution.

  • See the readme file there to copy the command to execute

Referal Link for $15 Off

I didn’t see anything in the rules about posting a referral link. If you use the link you get $15 off and I get $15 credit. If we’re not supposed to include referral links, just ignore and go straight to the site.

Also just like most companies they are running Black Friday deals. I’m not sure if you can use both, but here you go:

Referral Signup Link
Black Friday 2020 35% off Yearly Plans

The Black Friday deal (ca_35) is only good for yearly plans and gives you 35% off.

Anyway, I hope some people find this useful!