SPForm not doing anything

On LastPass, it may be filling in the hidden spam field, or you may have the options to require mouse and/or keyboard use turned on, since LastPass won’t be using those.

On the path problem, it’s unlikely that it’s SPForm. I’d look at the template for the pages with a link to the contact page to make sure the href in the link is correct. Also, the base href tag in those templates, should be

<base href="[[!++site_url]]" />

Ah yes, I forgot about the hidden field. That is indeed the problem. My last name was in there.

The path problem I solved by copying the snippet code from the working english site to the danish one - quick and dirty fix.

Thank you again Bob for this great extra - and for taking the time to help me figure out my problems.

I’m glad you got it sorted. :slight_smile: