Hi all,
I’m wondering how to edit/change/extend something and hope you can help.
We’re using SPForm from @bobray to make a new(er) contact page with anti-spam options. Got that working so far and am happy with what we’ve got going.
There’s a few customisations I need to implement though.
1, Can I change the redirect page? I’ve made another one with different text in it and would prefer to use this, as the current thank you page is a ‘thank you for your order’ one
I’ve now fixed this, it was under the properties. ^
2, My CC email doesn’t come through. The contact one does. Anyone have this working or know how to do this? I.E have I missed something.
3, I have formed the style lovely on the page, but I also need to format the actual email CSS and content. CSS - I have drafted something up ready. Content: I need some additional lines and content in the actual received email.
In the email for example, I can change ‘contact’ to what we wish, but can I include say for example, the name of the person contacting us? So My Business | Enquiry - From: Bob.
Does anyone know where I can edit these settings please?
I’ve edited my post a few times, as I’ve managed to work through some of them.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.