SOLVED::Migx not working after site migration

I’ve migrated a site from dev to live and Migx isn’t working as expected. It’s not displaying any content on the frontend and the backend is also missing the usual tabs.
I’m running:
MODx 3.0.5
Migx 3.0.2-beta1
PHP 8.0 (I’ve tried upgrading to 8.1 with no difference)

I’m getting the following errors…

Any help much appreciated, thanks.

[2024-07-23 17:25:12] (ERROR @ /public_html/core/cache/includes/elements/modx/revolution/modsnippet/86.include.cache.php : 4) PHP warning: Undefined variable $docId
[2024-07-23 17:25:12] (ERROR @ /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modX.php : 1072) `` is not a valid integer and may not be passed to makeUrl()
[2024-07-23 17:25:12] (ERROR @ /public_html/core/components/commerce/model/commerce/commerce.class.php : 360) [Commerce] modmore\Commerce\Exceptions\InvalidModuleException initialising module Formula Shipping (PoconoSewVac\FormulaShipping\Modules\FormulaShipping): Class PoconoSewVac\FormulaShipping\Modules\FormulaShipping could not be loaded - perhaps not autoloadable or the configured path (/public_html/core/components/commerce_formulashipping/src/Modules/FormulaShipping.php) is invalid. // #0 /public_html/core/components/commerce/model/commerce/commerce.class.php(346): comModule->loadModule()
#1 /public_html/core/components/commerce/model/commerce/commerce.class.php(288): Commerce->loadModules()
#2 /public_html/core/vendor/xpdo/xpdo/src/xPDO/xPDO.php(1260): Commerce->__construct(Object(MODX\Revolution\modX), Array)
#3 /public_html/core/cache/includes/elements/modx/revolution/modsnippet/52.include.cache.php(11): xPDO\xPDO->getService('commerce', 'Commerce', 'mysiteco...', Array)
#4 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modScript.php(88): include('mysiteco...')
#5 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modParser.php(508): MODX\Revolution\modScript->process(NULL)
#6 /public_html/core/components/pdotools/src/Parsing/Parser.php(276): MODX\Revolution\modParser->processTag(Array, true)
#7 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modParser.php(221): ModxPro\PdoTools\Parsing\Parser->processTag(Array, true)
#8 /public_html/core/components/pdotools/src/Parsing/Parser.php(73): MODX\Revolution\modParser->processElementTags('', '<!DOCTYPE html>...', true, false, '[[', ']]', Array, 9)
#9 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modResource.php(521): ModxPro\PdoTools\Parsing\Parser->processElementTags('', '<!DOCTYPE html>...', true, false, '[[', ']]', Array, 10)
#10 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modResource.php(469): MODX\Revolution\modResource->parseContent()
#11 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modResponse.php(72): MODX\Revolution\modResource->prepare()
#12 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modRequest.php(154): MODX\Revolution\modResponse->outputContent(Array)
#13 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modRequest.php(138): MODX\Revolution\modRequest->prepareResponse()
#14 /public_html/core/src/Revolution/modX.php(1499): MODX\Revolution\modRequest->handleRequest()
#15 /public_html/index.php(63): MODX\Revolution\modX->handleRequest()
#16 {main}

These errors are not related to MIGX. (Maybe the first one is, but that’s merely a warning.)

What exactly do you mean by that? That when you go to “Extras” → “MIGX”, you can’t see the tabs “MIGX” and “Package Manager”? Or no content in the tabs?

Are there any errors in der console of the developer tools?
Did you try to reinstall the extra?

Hi and thanks for your reply.
I’ve attached a couple of screen shots. I can access Migx in Extras but it’s a very pared down version.
There are fields also missing on the resource pages that use Migx. When I click ‘add item’ there’s just a blank page.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Migx and have repeatedly cleared the browser cache and the core/cache manually.

Weirdly, after accessing migx on a resource I get the following error which I’ve had on a previous site and was fixed by updating the PHP version…

[2024-07-23 20:52:29] (ERROR @ /home2/charvoco/public_html/core/vendor/james-heinrich/phpthumb/phpthumb.class.php : 1591) PHP warning: file_get_contents(/home2/charvoco/public_html/core/cache/phpthumb/phpThumbCacheIMversion.txt): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Did you check the developer tools in the browser?
Are there any (related) errors in the “Console” tab (of the developer tools)?
When you go to the “Network” tab (of the developer tools) and then click in the MIGX-CMP to open a window, a new request (to assets/components/migx/connector.php) should appear. Is there anything weird in the response of this request? (It should contain the HTML-code for the window content.)

Whats the difference between the dev and the live site?

Opening Migx in the manager does seem to meet the correct request…see screen shots.
@bruno17 - No difference. The dev site was working but since the move/duplication to the live account it’s not working as expected.

This is weird.
In the response of your request (second screenshot) the “Formtabs” tab (<div id="modx-tv-tab1" class="x-tab" title="Formtabs">) is the first tab.

What happened to the “Settings” tab (div id="modx-tv-tab0" class="x-tab" title="Settings">) that should first but seems to be missing?

Maybe something breaks, when the Smarty template for this tab is processed and the result is therefore an empty string? But I have no idea what or why? Maybe a server setting?

Just to update this post…
The issue was an incomplete upload of files.
I changed the MODx version in Settings to 3.0.4 (it was running 3.0.5) and then tried to run upgrade but got an error about an ‘upgrade’ extra missing files in Components.
I deleted all folders and re-uploaded a zip file of the full site again and it all worked. So I’m presuming the issue was that all the files hadn’t fully uploaded the first time round.