Simple search not working modx 2.8.1


I just installed it and when the installation ends displayed this error.

Consola activa...

Comenzando instalación del paquete con firma: simplesearch-2.1.2-pl
Paquete encontrado, preparando para la instalación...
Seleccionando espacio de trabajo del paquete...
Entorno del espacio de trabajo inicializado, instalando el paquete...
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => simplesearch.driver_class )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => simplesearch.driver_class_path )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => simplesearch.driver_db_specific )
Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => simplesearch.autosuggest_tv )
Attempting to preserve files at /var/www/html/assets/components/simplesearch into archive /var/www/html/core/packages/simplesearch-2.1.2-pl/modCategory/
PHP notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered
Attempting to preserve files at /var/www/html/core/components/simplesearch into archive /var/www/html/core/packages/simplesearch-2.1.2-pl/modCategory/
PHP notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered

There are no errors in what you posted, just notices. The actual error that prevents it from continuing may be in your server error log or in the response body of the AJAX request, which you’d need to use the browser developer tools to find.

Open the developer console’s network tab before hitting install, and keep an eye on the first request that is sent to connector.php. It’ll send a request every second or so after that, but you can ignore those, just look at the first one. When that long-running request ends, click it and look at the response.

Once you have an error message that may provide a clue as to why you can’t install SimpleSearch.