Has anyone deployed SeoSuite on MODX3 successfully?
Sitemap is throwing:
[2023-11-30 09:06:53] (ERROR @ /var/www/sites/xxx.tld/dev/core/vendor/xpdo/xpdo/src/xPDO/xPDO.php : 667) Could not load class: SeoSuiteResource from mysql.seosuiteresource
Are there any alternatives used to this extra, or am I missing something?
What version of SeoSuite have you installed?
Could it be, that it is an old version for MODX 2.x?
Does the file core/components/seosuite/bootstrap.php exist?
That fixed it, thanks! Although I think my main issue was that I imported reosurces and installed seosuite afterwards. Need to figure out how to process all of them, so they will show up (don’t really want to save all of them manuall).
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