Send emails from Formit using Office365 smtp


I´m trying to get FormIt working by using the Office365 SMTP because my client emails was moved to there. I´m using all the settings provided by the IT manager.

Display name: Website
Username: [email protected]


  • SMTP Server:
  • Port: 587 (TLS) or 25 (if TLS is not required)
  • Encryption: STARTTLS (Required)
  • Authentication: Yes (Required)

I used all these settings but i´m having a time out by the server. By the way, i´m using the QuickEmail snippet to debug the settings.

Should i fill the DKIM settings? Should i need to setup SPF, DMARC and DKIM to solve this problem?

Yes, I had a similar problem too. From what I understand, Office365 is very particular about SMTP connections from external apps. Probably something to do with Microsoft’s 2FA policy.

In any case, I managed to solve it by disabling basic authentication in Entra ID (part of the whole Office365/Exchange thing).

Have a look at more info here:


Thanks a lot for your reply. I´ll try to suggestion to see if it works.