Reviving Articles plugin

Okay … It seems to be finally working. I did a lot of cleanup on the website (reinstalled MODx, and reset the permissions 755 for dirs and 644 for files. I also performed lots of cache flushes and uninstalled Articles as well). Also it only worked by clicking the button in Manage Articles.

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LOL - you just jogged my memory :wink:

I wrote this in 2013 : Dude, where’s my Article.

There’s a good chance that the articles you previously wrote are lurking in the DB, but deleting them there would probably leave some orphan intersects (which SiteCheck could clean up for you).

You could also set the show_in_tree field to 1. That way, you could delete them in the Manager.


Was very happy to read the articles extra was revived, and went on to install it on my site.

Ugh. Quip had errors and didn’t save comments. Uninstalling articles broke getResources. In the end I reverted my site with a back to the pre-articles point.

Yes, Quip is also on my todo list to receive some attention. I still recommend to use Collections and other extra’s to create a “blog” website.

Hi everyone.

I’m sorry i have to re-open this discussion because recently i get the same situation with @friendlyjoe, articles container won’t display the published articles. I think this is related with Quip, everytime i create article, i get this error log:

[2020-06-12 05:44:36] (ERROR @ /var/www/html/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 240) Error 42S02 executing statement: 
[0] => 42S02
[1] => 1146
[2] => Table 'modxdb.modx_quip_threads' doesn't exist

and everytime i re-install Articles, the same error like mentioned in this thread will show up

Unfortunately no answer until today. Please help, i’m still newbie in modx

Some other informations that may help:

  • MODX version 2.7.3 advanced installation, Articles 1.7.13

  • Already clean and re-install MODX, clean core/cache, re-install Articles

  • Already check modx_site_content tables. Value of show_in_tree is 0 and class_key is Article

    MariaDB [modxdb]> SELECT id,show_in_tree,class_key FROM modx_site_content;
    | id | show_in_tree | class_key         |
    |  1 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  2 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  3 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  4 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  5 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  6 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  7 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  8 |            1 | modDocument       |
    |  9 |            1 | modDocument       |
    | 10 |            1 | ArticlesContainer |
    | 11 |            0 | Article           |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Try installing Quip by itself in Package Manager.

Still not working @bobray

This is error message from console when i uninstall, remove and re-install Quip

Console running...
Attempting to install package with signature: quip-2.3.3-pl
Package preparing to install.
Grabbing package workspace...
Workspace environment initiated, now installing package...
modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has 
been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update 
the extra with the namespace quip to the routing based system.
Could not create table `modx_quip_threads` SQL: CREATE TABLE 
`modx_quip_threads` (`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `createdon` 
DATETIME NULL, `moderated` TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', 
`moderator_group` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Administrator', 
`moderators` TEXT NULL, `notify_emails` TEXT NULL, `resource` INT(10) unsigned 
NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `idprefix` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'qcom', 
`existing_params` TEXT NULL, `quip_call_params` TEXT NULL, 
`quipreply_call_params` TEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`), INDEX `moderated` 
(`moderated`), INDEX `moderator_group` (`moderator_group`), INDEX `resource` 
(`resource`)) ENGINE=MyISAM ERROR: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1071 [2] => 
Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes )
Error adding field quipComment->name: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'name' )
Error adding field quipComment->email: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'email' )
Error adding field quipComment->website: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'website' )
Error adding field quipComment->resource: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'resource' )
Error adding field quipComment->idprefix: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'idprefix' )
Error adding field quipComment->existing_params: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 
[2] => Duplicate column name 'existing_params' )
Error adding index resource to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 [2] 
=> Duplicate key name 'resource' )
Error adding field quipComment->ip: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'ip' )
Error adding field quipComment->rank: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'rank' )
Error adding field quipComment->approvedby: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] 
=> Duplicate column name 'approvedby' )
Error adding field quipComment->deleted: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'deleted' )
Error adding field quipComment->deletedon: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'deletedon' )
Error adding field quipComment->deletedby: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => 
Duplicate column name 'deletedby' )
Error adding index approvedby to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 
[2] => Duplicate key name 'approvedby' )
Error adding index deleted to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 [2] => 
Duplicate key name 'deleted' )
Error adding index deletedby to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 [2] 
=> Duplicate key name 'deletedby' )
Error adding field quipThread->quip_call_params: Array ( [0] => 42S02 [1] => 1146 
[2] => Table 'modxdb.modx_quip_threads' doesn't exist )
Error adding field quipThread->quipreply_call_params: Array ( [0] => 42S02 [1] => 
1146 [2] => Table 'modxdb.modx_quip_threads' doesn't exist )
Could not load class: quipNotifyComment from mysql.quipnotifycomment.
Could not load class: quipNotifyComment from mysql.quipnotifycomment.
Successfully installed package quip-2.3.3-pl

Quip is automatically installed with Articles and is then notorious for not fully uninstalling itself.

I remember going into the database and manually removing pieces of Quip a while back before I could do a clean new install.

All that said, the last line of your message suggests that Quip was successfully installed. Are you still getting the Table 'modxdb.modx_quip_threads' doesn't exist error?

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Yes, the error still there. I think the problem is Quip succesfully installed but modx_quip_threads table isn’t created in the DB.

Also i found that, after i uninstalled & removed Quip, i had to delete the other quip tables manually from the DB.

modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has 
been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update 
the extra with the namespace quip to the routing based system.

Is this related? i read an article here: Dealing with deprecation notices in MODX 2.7 :: Mark Hamstra | MODX Development & Services and it said that the feature is on the shortlist to be removed from MODX in a future release


Sorry i can’t add another reply since i’m new user :slight_smile:
I will update here

Here’s the structure of the quip_threads table if you’d like to try creating it.

Hi @bobray

Finally solved this problem. I create the table manually using this script (based on your image):

CREATE TABLE `modx_quip_threads` (
	`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', 
	`createdon` DATETIME NULL, 
	`moderated` TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',	
	`moderator_group` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Administrator', 
	`moderators` TEXT NULL, `notify_emails` TEXT NULL, 
	`resource` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', 
	`idprefix` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'qcom', 
	`existing_params` TEXT NULL, 
	`quip_call_params` TEXT NULL, 
	`quipreply_call_params` TEXT NULL, 
	PRIMARY KEY (`name`), 
	INDEX `moderated` (`moderated`), 
	INDEX `moderator_group` (`moderator_group`), 
	INDEX `resource` (`resource`)

And then i get this error:

ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

So i reduced the value 255 in VARCHAR into 50, and it works!

I don’t clearly understand what happens technically :sweat_smile:

You most probably have UTF8MB4 encoding on your table or database. With UTF8MB4, each character potentially uses up to 4 bytes, so with name as varchar(255) you potentially use 255 * 4 = 1’020 characters. The MyISAM engine will not accept unique indexes of more than 1’000 characters, and the primary key is automatically defined as UNIQUE index.

To solve this, you can use the innodb engine for this table or for your entire database. With MySQL 5.7.7 and above a larger maximum is available by default for innodb tables. With MySQL 5.5 or 5.6 set the parameter innodb_large_prefix to 1 on your server.

I released Quip 2.3.4!

Always create a backup (at least from your database) before updating!
This release contains some minor quality of life improvements, mostly database/schema related.

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Hi @joshualuckers, I just wanted to know if were still working on articles ?
I’ve seen that there is version 1.9 planned on Github.

What do you think about setting some milestone payments for each bug fixing and new features ?

I would be willing to participate/donate if others are on too. There are 2 issues that are on my mind ( SEO and Published by ).

Let us know :slightly_smiling_face:

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@carlo_13 My free time is limited since I became a dad last year. However, after next week I have vacation and then I have some time to look at those two requests!


Well congratulations :tada: ! And thanks!

HI. can anyone advise how to prevent articles from creating a training slash / on the end of every article url?
Please advise

Not that I’m aware of, sorry.

You still using Articles? Have a look here
Just translate to your regional language. :wink:

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I’ve installed the latest MODx 2.8.5 and Articles 1.8.1 on a site that used to run MODx 2.7.0 and Articles 1.7.1. The site used to render the Articles resource using renderResources as content in another page, and now it renders nothing at all. However, if I View the Articles resource, it does render as its own (badly formatted) page.

Does this ring a bell with anyone who’s been in the code recently, as a change that might have stopped this from continuing to work? I would really very much like to avoid redesigning this website to workaround this unexpected change.

Many thanks for any ideas for me to pursue.