I would like to merge the “Document” and “Settings” tabs in the resource edit panel, basically putting all fields in the “Document” region. But how do you do that? You can show/hide stuff, but somehow you cannot move fields from one region to another?
There is currently no way to do that. Only template variables can be freely moved between tabs. I’ve been advocating for quite a while now to be able to move standard (non-TV) fields wherever we want, but it hasn’t gotten any traction. And if this ability ever becomes implemented, it’s highly likely to be only in the new Rev 3 branch, not Rev 2.
Thanks @snowcreative I finally have a decent answer… Even if it is the one I did not look for. I cannot understand how you could hardcode a panel like that so much so that it cannot be tweaked.
To be fair, very few content management systems allow complete freedom in placing fields in editing panels. MODX is actually one of the better ones. If I remember correctly, ProcessWire excels in this department.