Render blocking resources

When running an audit on my website I found that I have render blocking resources. I figure I should try moving my javascript to the bottom of my webpage but I am unsure how to do this exactly within modx. Also are there any other suggestions for getting rid of my render blocking issues

Hi there, what’s exactly the blocking resources? usually most of this stuff will be inside the template, but the impact of moving something is directly related to what it is, for example, if you use JS to define layout and move it, you’ll have you page rendering poorly, but if just a utils lib, it wont do any harm

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I am not quite sure what it is exactly. I have a few ideas but from the auditor it simply suggested the my java and css files MAY have something to do with this.

Have you tried this tool? it will give you a detail of al loading process as well as any blocking resource

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Thank you, this is similar to what I was using and is suggesting again the 3 same files as blocking resources. However on this tool it says that my desktop version has almost no blocking time compared to my mobile site that still has a large blocking time. do you think moving the 2 java scripts to the bottom of the page will help?

You sure can give it a try, what are the complaining resources, its an external js, or the js generated along modx? if the second is the case, are you minifying it? also check this post, it has some very useful information on loading process for external resources and using async and defer

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Thank you very much. I think I have most of the information I need at the moment. You have been very helpful!

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