When using something like getResrouces or pdoResources, is there a way to strip out certain rich text HTML tags from a template variable field before it gets inserted into an RSS feed?
Depending on your needs, you could use an Output Filter if you find a fitting one. Additionally, there’s always the option to write your own Custom Output Filter to apply a regular expression for example.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish, but I also do have outputs where I need to restrict to only HTML “inline-elements”. I have a snippet, that I use as output-modifier. The snippet in my case is called OnlyInlineElements:
$allowedElements = '<a><abbr><acronym><b><bdo><big><br><button><cite><code><dfn><em><i><img><input><kbd><label><map><object><q><samp><select><small><span><strong><sub><sup><textarea><time><tt><var>';
return strip_tags($input, $allowedElements);
And I use it like this:
<span aria-label="[[%website.label.openinghours]]">
[[++contact_hours:stripString=` `:OnlyInlineElements]]
Can you explain what that is doing? I’m assuming that ++contact_hours
is a variable from the Configuration plugin and :OnlyInlineElements
is running the snippet.
But, what is stripString=
I’m 99% sure, your assumptions are correct.
is a regular output filter and in this case strips double spaces by the looks of it. Basically it strips anything you define in the followed quotes.
I think the built in MODx output modifier striptags
is going to work.
100% correct.
The ++contact_hours
is a field in my ClientConfig:
And this part: :stripString= :OnlyInlineElements
are two chained Output Modifiers.
From the documentation:
Because I noticed on more than one project, that people often try to use multiple spaces to “position” text different, I counter-acted with stripping away every “double space”, by using
:stripString=` `
is one of the many built-in Output-Modifiers by MODX:
stripString // Strips string of specified value // [[+name:stripString=`Mr.`]]
And my OnlyInlineElements
is a snippet, which in this case I use as custom Output Modifier, because in the default footer of my framework, I need the “opening hours / contact hours” inside a table-cell, so no block-elements are allowed there (or in the example above inside a span on another location, and spans also don’t allow block-elements inside).