As we got more and more spam on our contact form that was using recaptchav2 with v2 keys, I just tried to add v3 keys and turn my chunks into v3 call.
Never worked (no communication error )
Trying now to fall back to the previous v2 does not work anymore.
I deleted the domain name V3 + V2 entries in Google captcha admin console and register again the domain as V2 and paste the 2 new keys in the system parameters of modx.
The click on the recaptcha is still in error “unable to establish communication…”:
impossible d’établir une connexion avec le service reCAPTCHA.Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet, puis actualiser la page pour afficher une image reCAPTCHA.
the chunk for this captcha:
<span class=" pt-txt help-block muted">Actual Visitor? Please check this.
<span class="alert live" role="alert">
<span class="badge badge-warning">!
</span> [[%i18n.required? &language=`[[++cultureKey]]` &namespace=`i18ncustom`]]
<span class="label label-warning">Attention
</span> [[!+fi.error.recaptchav2_error:notempty=`
<span class="alert">
<span class="badge badge-warning">!
the chunk of the form with the Formit call:
[[!FormIt? &hooks=recaptchav2,email,redirect,FormItAutoResponder
&emailSubject=Contact from xxxxx
&fiarTpl =autoRepContactmsg-en
&fiarSubject=copy of your contact message on imchem.fr
&vTextRequired=Please fill this field.
&subject.vTextRequired=Please enter a topic for your email.
&validate=name:required:minLength=2, tel:required:minLength=8, email:email:required, soc:required:minLength=2, subject:required:stripTags, text:required:stripTags, special_email:blank
]] [[!+fi.error_message:notempty=<p>[[!+fi.error_message]]</p>
[[- pour Formit param recaptcha v3
Thank for any help