PHPMailer error

does anywone ever had this error

Error: Class “PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer” not found


MODX\Revolution\modManagerController->render() in /usr/www/users/xxxxxxxxxxx/core/src/Revolution/modManagerResponse.php:114
MODX\Revolution\modManagerResponse->outputContent(Array ( ) ) in /usr/www/users/xxxxxxxxxxx/core/src/Revolution/modManagerRequest.php:173
MODX\Revolution\modManagerRequest->prepareResponse() in /usr/www/users/xxxxxxxxxxx/core/src/Revolution/modManagerRequest.php:143
MODX\Revolution\modManagerRequest->handleRequest() in /usr/www/users/xxxxxxxxxxx/manager/index.php:60

I reinstalled modx twice still getting it…

Is this a fresh MODX installation without extras?
What version of MODX?

old install plenty of extras, it worked before and then all of a sudden stopped. mail not working on formit. and that error comes up on different locations for example if you press system info ?a=system/info

latest version 305 all extras latest

It’s likely that one of the installed extras causes the issue.
(Temporarily) deactivate the plugins (of the extras) to try to identify the one that is causes the problem.

Under “Elements” → “Plugins” → right-click “Deactivate Plugin” you can deactivate a plugin.

Did it stop when you upgraded to MODX 3? Or after you installed an extra?

ok thanks will try no did not stop after upgrade it just stopped

Can you check if the folder core/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer exists? Does it have content?

yes its there I also uninstalled all latest plugins and still same issue.

ok i managed to sort it out what I did was I uninstalled all latest plugins. then what I ddi is I renamed all folder of those plugins. I then clered cache. refreshed back office (got blank page) then what I ddi is rename folders again and reinstalled. now its working not sure why maybe a pather plugin or somethig was wrong somewhere…

thanks for the help @halftrainedharry you are a real legend and hero of modx community alwasy qucik to assist.


I’m glad you sorted I out.

It’s still unclear to me what actually caused the issue.
It looked like a problem with the autoloader (vendor/autoload.php).
But “PHPMailer” is a MODX dependency, so other extras shouldn’t affect it.
Maybe an installed extra also has “PHPMailer” as a dependency and this created some kind of conflict?

no php mailer extra. I also reinstalled formit that uses it first. bu error did not go away even clearing cache. then as a said I uninstalled all and renamed folders cleared cache. reinstalled and it seemed to work I am also not sure what actually fixed the issue and what caused it in the first place.

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