PHP Storm and development/production database workflow

I’ve recently moved to PHPStorm and I’m really enjoying it even though I’m just scratching the surface of functionality as I get started.

As a team of 1, I specifically like the local/remote relationship within a project. Working on one and synchronising to the other is really great.

One thing it doesn’t seem to be able to do is manage database changes between a local and remote DB.

I can pull down all the files for a whole MODX install, change the config to point at a local database and then tell the project to ignore the local config file for synchronisation purposes while ‘live syncing’ everything else in the project as I touch it.

But it doesn’t seem to have any similar tools for database changes.

Am I missing that or if not, do others have tools they use for this?

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I’m actually not sure if they have a solution for that but considering that a production database would be way ahead of a dev database, the pk ids wouldn’t match and most likely break the data relations if syncing.
It’d be possible if you could setup templates to follow like how Teleport does it.
if you do find something, let me know… :wink:

Take a look at Gitify, you can export the DB with it and then build it on your server.

Teleport can be another solution you can try, probably with a custom tpl.

I think I saw some addon which was promising to track changes while we work in manager and then allows for export and merge into other environment. I just can’t find it now :face_with_head_bandage:

Another option I recently saw, is, << this one @jcdm
Never tried, but if u do so, please share the feedback.

Thanks folks - I have just got Gifity up and running in the last 48 hours and am really enjoying it.

Changepack does read well so I’ll keep that in mind. One vital issue there would be the ability to handle custom tables (such as Commerce, Content Blocks, Client Config) which Gitify does well.

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