Hi there - I want to show a price on a page, minus the percentage sdiscount.
I tried this, which i thought would work, but the output is szero:
Any ideas what I’ve done wrong?
If you output the TVs directly ( → [[*startingPrice]]
, [[*percentageDiscount]]
), do they have the correct values?
Also, I would write a custom snippet instead of using two output modifiers.
Yes the values output as expected.
Will see if I can write a snippet then although not my strong point!
You can add the TV values as properties to your custom snippet.
For example like this:
[[calculatePrice? &discount=`[[*percentageDiscount]]` &price=`[[*startingPrice]]`]]
Then in the snippet “calculatePrice”, use the variables with the name of the properties:
return $price - ($price * $discount / 100);
Oh that’s great thank you. I will add this and see if it works asap. Wasn’t expecting you to write it for me. Really appreciate it.
This works really well - and very simple to understand - thanks.
The only issue is that if the product isn’t reduced (so the percentage discount TV is empty, the page throws a 500 error.
I assume in the snippet I need a fallback or something to prevent this?
In the snippet code you could (for example) use this line:
$discount = $modx->getOption('discount', $scriptProperties, 0, true);
It sets the variable $discount
to 0
(third parameter = default value) if the discount
property doesn’t exist or is empty.
Or you could cast the property to a number before it is used in the calculation:
$discount = (float) $discount;
There are also other ways to improve the snippet code:
For example use round() to round the result or number_format() to format it:
$price_with_discount = round($price - ($price * $discount / 100), 2);
return number_format($price_with_discount, 2);
Thank you Harry. I had tried to use output modifiers to determine whether or not to load the new snippet like so:
[[*percentageDiscount:notempty=`[[calculatePrice? &discount=`[[*percentageDiscount]]` &price=`[[*startingPrice]]`]]`]]
But that didn’t work.
I will try your solution within the snippet itself instead.
But that didn’t work.
Nested MODX tags are executed first.
So the snippet “calculatePrice” runs always, no matter if percentageDiscount
is empty or not.
May 28, 2024, 7:23pm
Ah I see. Thanks for explaining.
May 30, 2024, 7:24pm
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