pdoMenu and the breakrow

Hi :slight_smile:

I began to use pdoTools instead of classic addons such as Wayfinder or GetResources.
I have notice a small thing, an insignifiant detail, but I want to share it with you.

The pdoMenu call doesn’t keep the breakrow inside the template, as Wayfinder do.

As a result, I get a single line :

<ul class="slimmenu"><li class="first active id1"><a href="/">Accueil</a></li><li class=" id4"><a href="la-carte/">La carte</a><ul class="sous-menu"><li class="first id99"><a href="la-carte/plat-du-jour/">Plat du jour</a></li><li class=" id40"><a href="la-carte/bo-bun/">Bo Bun</a></li><li class=" id48"><a href="la-carte/nouilles/">Nouilles</a></li><li class=" id49"><a href="la-carte/riz">Riz</a></li><li class=" id50"><a href="la-carte/encas/">Encas</a></li><li class=" id16"><a href="la-carte/desserts/">Desserts</a></li><li class="last id20"><a href="la-carte/boissons/">Boissons</a></li></ul></li><li class=" id5"><a href="emplacements/">Emplacements</a></li><li class=" id6"><a href="livraison">Livraison</a></li><li class=" id71"><a href="compte/">Mon compte</a><ul class="sous-menu"><li class="first id87"><a href="compte/login">Connexion</a></li><li class=" id104"><a href="compte/update-profile">Modifier mon compte</a></li><li class=" id72"><a href="compte/inscription">Inscription</a></li><li class=" id90"><a href="compte/changement-de-mot-de-passe">Changement de mot de passe</a></li><li class="last id89"><a href="compte/mes-commandes">Mes commandes</a></li></ul></li><li class=" id92"><a href="privatisation">Privatisation</a></li><li class=" id96"><a href="contact">Contact</a></li><li class=" id2"><a href="panier">Panier</a></li><li class="last id97"><a href="mentions-legales">Mentions légales</a></li></ul>

If I do the call with Wayfinder with the same output template, I get a better result corresponding with my template (with breakrow).

Do you know if there is a way to keep the Wayfinder’s process on this precise point ?
Not a big deal, but as we are under MODX, not wordpress, I’m considering I can be more demanding :slight_smile:

How have you set up your tpl chunks? Are you calling them inline from the snippet or from actual chunks?

Hi @spheerys,
Show pdoMenu snippet call please. If you use tpl chunks breakdowns should work for you

Here my snippet call :


And here my MenuItemTpl chunk :

<li class="[[+wf.classnames]] id[[+wf.docid]]"><a href="[[~[[+wf.docid]]]]">[[+wf.menutitle:default=`[[+wf.pagetitle]]`]]</a>[[+wf.wrapper]]</li>

Note the empty line on the end of the chunk…

What am I missing?