Paginated navigation MIGX pdoPage and getImageList

Hi. I use the following call

                                             <div id="pdopage">
  <div class="rows row">

when clicking on “upload more”, noimage is displayed


<div class="col-lg-4">
    <div class="team-one__single">
        <div class="team-one__image team-one__image1" >
            <a href="[[+image]]" data-fancybox="gallery" title="[[+title]]"> <img src="[[+image:PhpThumbOn=`w=319&h=400&zc=1`]]" alt="[[+title]]"></a>
        </div><!-- /.team-one__image -->
        <div class="team-one__content">
        </div><!-- /.team-one__content -->
    </div><!-- /.team-one__single -->
</div><!-- /.col-lg-4 -->


When you test it without &ajaxMode, does it then work correctly or are the images on page 2 still missing?

it is displayed correctly without &ajaxMode

Somehow the property processTVs doesn’t seem to have the correct value when the snippet is executed by the pdoTools connector. Try setting it explicitly:


thank you. as always, you are top. ++

Hi.Tell me, how do I make a list of IDs?


This design does not work

 <div class="row">
                                             <div id="pdopage">
  <div class="rows row">
                </div><!-- /.row -->

You can’t just add a list of IDs to the &docid property.
This property expects a single number!

yes, I know. I’ve already corrected it