Not adding new resources to the sidebar

Hello! Created a new resource is enabled to show but does not appear on the site. What could be the reason ?


How is the sidebar navigation created on your site?
With a snippet like Wayfinder or pdoMenu?

Also make sure that the resource is published and that the “Hide From Menus” flag isn’t set.

All the question is closed figured out, there it was necessary to create child links in the admin panel. Thanks to all !

Mante I don’t know what you mean with “create child links in the admin panel” but using pdoResources or or some extra to display other resources link list should be as easy like calling the extra uncached [[! or include a parameter like showHidden in case the resource is not visible on menus, the point is it must display the same list in both images.

Have you checked if it has the same template and/or configuration as the other resource that is shown?