Modx3 snippet issue

Hi there

I ave used this snippet on a lot of sites - it’s really useful to show recently added products or posts.

But I tried it on a MODX3 install, and it’s not working.
I assume it’s a syntax issue, as I’ve found a few snippets have broken when moving to MODX3 - any ideas what could be wrong with it?

/* RecentCheck snippet */
$output = 'non_recent';

$interval = $modx->getOption('interval', $scriptProperties, '2 weeks');
$pd = $modx->getOption('publishedon', $scriptProperties, '');

$cutoffTime = strtotime('now - ' . $interval);
if ($cutoffTime === false) {
    $output = '[RecentCheck] Invalid interval';
} else {
    $ptime = strtotime($pd);

    $currentTime = time();

    if ($ptime > $cutoffTime) {
        /* Yes, it's recent -- Set the return value */
            $output = 'recent';

return $output;

Hey … this seems to work OK for me in 3.0.5.

For a resource created today:

[[!recentCheck? &interval=`1 week` &publishedon=`[[*publishedon]]`]]

returns recent

[[!recentCheck? &interval=`0 weeks` &publishedon=`[[*publishedon]]`]]

returns non_recent

What’s happening when you call it?

Thanks for checking.

Hmm. Mine comes back with non_recent on all posts regardless of their published date.


What does your snippet tag look like?

Are you using it inside getResources or pdoResources?

Here’s something similar, though I haven’t tested it in MODX 3. Mine gets the publishedon value directly from the resource.

You could try sending the id in the tag and get it from the resource, though I don’t see any reason why your code shouldn’t work.

Actually I just checked and the call is correct:

[l! recentCheck? &interval=‘4 weeks’ &publishedon=’ [[+publishedon]] 'll

I wonder if the interval setting isn’t recognised with modx3?

That’s definitely not correct (backticks and braces), but maybe those are just typos in the post.

Sorry. I was on my iPhone and it’s impossible to copy code out of the Modx editor which is frustrating. This is the correct call:

[[!recentCheck? &interval=`4 weeks` &publishedon=`[[+publishedon]]`]]

Looks perfect.

Is this inside an aggregator snippet like getResources? If not, you want [[*publishedon]], rather than [[+publishedon]].

Yes it’s in pdoResources.

It’s a “problem” with pdoResources:
[[*publishedon]] in the resource has the format 2024-04-28 07:56:00.
[[+publishedon]] in the pdoResources-template however is a timestamp → 1714290960.

You have to take that into account in your snippet code, by e.g. not executing strtotime() when $pd is already a number.

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AHA - awesome thanks Harry.

For others with the same issue, I have amended the snippet to this, and it works perfectly.

/* RecentCheck snippet */
$output = 'non_recent';

$interval = $modx->getOption('interval', $scriptProperties, '2 weeks');
$pd = $modx->getOption('publishedon', $scriptProperties, '');

$cutoffTime = strtotime('now - ' . $interval);
if ($cutoffTime === false) {
    $output = '[RecentCheck] Invalid interval';
} else {

    $currentTime = time();

    if ($pd > $cutoffTime) {
        /* Yes, it's recent -- Set the return value */
            $output = 'recent';

return $output;
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