MODX3 Personal Upgrade-Guide no.3

Hi MODX-community, I thought I’d share my notes on my first “successful” MODX3-upgrade:

MODX3 Test#3 - Notes

- Remove Batcher
- Remove Admintools

- Update all Extras

- Activate Debug-Mode (important)

- Update to 3.0.0

- If you encounter a fatal error here from an incompatible Extra, 
  try to `rm -rf` its asset/core-component directories, 
  delete their db-tables and 
  check that its not in the extension-package table

- Update to 3.0.x

- Update Collections² (twice, because first time failed)

- Update other Extras

- Force-Remove ContentBlocks-Package, re-download, and re-install
	- (reinstall cb-custom-icons, if you use it)

After this, it is the first time I’m seeing the new MODX3-Interface :smiley:

But unfortunately, I still see some issues with my framework -
I’ll update my journey here when it continues :rocket:


I have updated my notes a little bit:

MODX3 Test#3.1 - Notes

- Remove Admintools
- Remove Batcher
- Check other incompatible Extras on and remove them

- Update all remaining Extras

- Activate Debug-Mode (!important)

- Update to 3.0.0

- If you encounter a fatal error here from an incompatible Extra, 
  try to `rm -rf` its asset/core-component directories, 
  delete their db-tables through phpmyadmin and 
  check that it is not in the extension-package table 
  (if it is, remove the corresponding string carefully)

- Update to 3.0.x

- Update Collections² (twice, because first time failed)

- Update other Extras

- Force-Remove ContentBlocks-Package, re-download, and re-install
	- (reinstall cb-custom-icons, if you use it)
	- (reinstall all other additional cb-packages)

- If you had Dropdown-TVs populated by a Snippet, adapt it:

- If you had TVs repositioned through Form-Customization (FC), 
  then reposition them again, so it looks good with the new UI

I’ll report again :+1:t4:

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I don’t think it’s necessary to update to 3.0.0 first.

Usually, if you deactivate the plugins of the extra (db-table “modx_site_plugins” → column “disabled”) and delete the extra from the system setting “extension_packages” (db-table “modx_system_settings”) if it’s listed there, this should be enough to prevent the extra code from being executed.

How sure are you? :slight_smile:
In 2.x it was always recommended to upgrade to each minor version before upgrading to the patch version.

That’s also legitimate :+1:t4:
(in my case I could do without these Extras, so I removed them directly)

Take a look at these topics:

Doesn’t the method you described, leave all the plugins, chunks, snippets etc. from the extra in MODX?

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Nice, thanks for the references! Didn’t know about that, what Jay said. Good to know :slight_smile:
I just updated my notes locally and will share it soon after some more notes :+1:t4:

Yes, it does, but if I recall correctly, I was able to properly uninstall the package afterwards.
Nevertheless I didn’t note this down, and I’ll also add your approach into my notes, if you are alright with it!

Hey Sebastian, thank you for sharing this! :pray:

I think you’re also using MIGX sometimes, no? I saw that there is an alpha version available for MODX 3… Any experience with that already?

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there is also
MIGX/ at master · Bruno17/MIGX (

that has some more compatibility fixes for MODX 3.x


The current version of MIGX in the package provider (3.0.0-alpha5) should work in MODX 3 for MIGX TVs and for MIGXdb (if you use existing class files/db-tables that were created in MIGX 2.x).

If you want to use MIGXdb (especially the package manager) in MODX 3 (with schema version “3.0”), then use the MIGX 3.0.1-beta1 version that Bruno linked above.