Modx2.8.4 php8/7.4 "insert/edit link" not clickable


i am on modx284 on php8 and it is running fine except for the tinymce editor button for “insert/edit link”. it looks like it is being clicked, as in there is a mouse-over colour change, but no popup box. the insert image button beside it works fine and all other buttons and features on that tinymce editor. i have uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled. i purged old packages in case there was one old one in the background. i tried on chrome and firefox. i cleared the cache folder. i moved it to php 7.4 in case there was some issue, but no . any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Can you check the dev tools to see if maybe some error is being thrown when you click the button? they could be on the console, or in the network tab, maybe some XHR request is failling preventing the popup to open, also try on a incognito console to see if you get the same results

will do @camicase82 thanks

thanks @camicase82 . i got 3 pieces back in the dev–>console:

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ my comment: i don’t have the above file but i do have “modx.jsgrps-min.js” in that directory. i downloaded a new modx2.8.4 and it does not have a “” file either - it has “modx.jsgrps-min.js”. should it be called “”? that existing code does seem to think so. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

GET…wctx=web&HTTP_MODAUTH=modx626ccc03d9a9d1.49236778_1629da3a70caf18.64176585 404 (Not Found)
linkList @ tinymcerte.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
(anonymous) @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
Nt @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
Rt @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
F @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
(anonymous) @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
dt @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
run @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
e @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
fold @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
qb @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
ay @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
cy @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Nu @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
triggerEvent @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Ko @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
ze @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Le @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
t @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
e @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
fold @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
qb @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
ay @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
cy @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Nu @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
triggerEvent @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Ci.a @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9

VM1786:1 Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
Promise.then (async)
linkList @ tinymcerte.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
(anonymous) @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
Nt @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
Rt @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
F @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
(anonymous) @ plugin.min.js?v=2.0.7:7
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
dt @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
run @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
e @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
fold @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
qb @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
ay @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
cy @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Nu @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
triggerEvent @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Ko @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
ze @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Le @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
t @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
e @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
fold @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
qb @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
ay @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
cy @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Nu @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
triggerEvent @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
(anonymous) @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9
Ci.a @ theme.min.js?v=2.0.7:9

i don’t know how to fix modx or tinymce so i am grasping at straws here. i renamed the above mentioned “” to “” but that did nothing . i see that “link” was not added to the default set in “tinymcerte.plugins” setting in modx, but that made no difference either.

Ignore the “failed to load source map” message. This is not relevant.

When you open the “Network” tab of the developer tools in the browser and click the “Insert/edit link” button, it should generate a new request to “/assets/components/tinymcerte/connector.php”.
According to the error log above this returns a 404 error.
Does this file connector.php exist?
Is there maybe an error message in the response of this request?

Thanks for taking a look at this Harry.

In dev-tools , in the console-tab:

as soon as i get to one of the /manager resource pages to edit it we see one error in place all the time:

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

and that file “modx.jsgrps-min.js” is there but not “”.

then i click on the “link” button in the tinymce editor toolbar, then we see in console screen as well:

GET 404 (Not Found)

and that file is there, 810 bytes with this code:

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(FILE)))) . ‘/config.core.php’;
require_once MODX_CORE_PATH . ‘config/’ . MODX_CONFIG_KEY . ‘.inc.php’;
require_once MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH . ‘index.php’;

$corePath = $modx->getOption(‘tinymcerte.core_path’, null, $modx->getOption(‘core_path’, null, MODX_CORE_PATH) . ‘components/tinymcerte/’);
/** @var TinyMCERTE $tinymcerte */
$tinymcerte = $modx->getService(‘tinymcerte’, ‘TinyMCERTE’, $corePath . ‘model/tinymcerte/’, [
‘core_path’ => $corePath

$processorsPath = $tinymcerte->getOption(‘processorsPath’);

// Handle request
‘processors_path’ => $processorsPath,
‘location’ => ‘’


I see this is request/response in the dev-tools on chrome:

Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Connection: close
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2022 09:58:15 GMT
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Server: Apache
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Accept: /
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,ru;q=0.7
Authorization: Basic c3Bhbm5lcjptdWxhbXVyY2lhODg3
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: testcookie9521=testcookie9521; modx_remember_manager=admin; cookiesDirective=1; _ga=GA1.2.916899782.1640670528; KCFINDER_showname=on; KCFINDER_view=thumbs; KCFINDER_displaySettings=on; KCFINDER_showsize=on; KCFINDER_showtime=on; KCFINDER_order=date; KCFINDER_orderDesc=on; evo1xgfdyf=7b903b45e2ddb1aee2342c3916e2dfb3; testcookie9521=testcookie9521; PHPSESSID=2587cd22494639290e5bacdc1a55a118
sec-ch-ua: " Not A;Brand";v=“99”, “Chromium”;v=“102”, “Google Chrome”;v=“102”
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
sec-ch-ua-platform: “Windows”
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.63 Safari/537.36

thanks Harry, but i accidentally fixed it.

problem: the link popup tool (button) on the tinymce text editor on modx2.8.4 , for php 8 and 7.4, would not work. by chance i was looking at all the settings in modx for "%tiny%’ and i set the “tinymcerte.enable_link_list” setting to “no” and all is well now and i tested the link add/edit popup screen/function and it does create links and removes them as required. what a nasty bug - it was a pure accident that i found it. if i google for "“tinymcerte.enable_link_list” there are no results.