I’m looking for the best way to export all the users with all custom fields created with “ExtraFields” to excel or csv file. Does anybody know any good extra or ideally created in the past a CMP for that? So, can the non-programming admin have a one-click button to export all the users with all the fields?
Also, I’m looking for a way to extend some features for users:
Is there any way to change a wording/text on highlighted items:
Is there any way on the users listing page, add/change any of filters filed to other?
Thanks GUYZ!
msExportUsersExcel is the only extra I could find that exports users.
But I have never used it and I don’t know how it handles “ExtraFields”.
Maybe you could use it as a starting point and then adapt it to your needs.
Or you could program a custom solution for the export.
To create a CSV file you could use the PHP function fputcsv. (An export to Excel is a bit more complicated as you need an additional library for that.)
“Add User to Group” is the lexicon string user_group_user_add
(namespace = “core” | topic = “user”).
“User Group” is the lexicon string user_group
(namespace = “core” | topic = “user”)
Lexicon strings can be changed under → “Lexicons”.
These lexicons strings are also used in other parts of MODX. So changing their value will affect other pages as well.
I don’t understand what you’re trying to do!
First of all thank you for all the information - very helpful!
Regarding last bit:
On the users listing page in modx manager, there are a couple of default user fields(filters) ID, Username, Full name, Email, Active and Blocked (as per screenshor). Is there any way manipulate them for example add like one more or deleted remove Fullname?
So you mean the columns in the grid.
No, these columns are hard-coded in the code.
If you really need the columns to be different, you’d have to create a custom manager page (CMP) with your own grid.
Yep exactly, thats what i thought… but its okay will find the way.
thank you so much for all this information.