MODX Revolution 3.0.2 + pdoTools 3.0.1 / tvFilters or where / doesn't work or i don't know how to use

I use this Fenom construction:

{'pdoResources' | snippet : [
	'parents' => $_modx->,
	'tpl' => '@FILE chunks/booksList/pdoTools/book.tpl',
	'tvFilters' => '',
	'where' => '{"template:IN":[3]}',
	'showLog' => '1',

How to use multiple conditions in parameters “tvFilters” and in “where”?


For the “tvFilters” syntax take a look at the getResources documentation:


For the “where” property you can use a JSON array. For example:

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Tnx for your answer.
The function “where” work goed, but tvFilters don’t.

{'pdoResources' | snippet : [
	'parents' => $_modx->,
	'tpl' => '@FILE chunks/booksList/pdoTools/book.tpl',
	'tvFilters' => 'saleStatus==1',

I need to filter all books by TV saleStatus (single-select Sale==1).

Can i do this via “where”?

Does it work if you add the includeTVs property?

'includeTVs' => 'saleStatus'

Also, you may have to use === instead

'tvFilters' => 'saleStatus===1'

Yes, this should work as well (if includeTVs is used).

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A lot of tnx! Both varia working good!