Modmore licensed extras - multiple domains

Is anyone using licensed modmore extras on different domains (same manager), and has an elegant solution they could share?

We have one brand, with multiple domains (design is partially shared, content is different - that’s why we’re keeping it in the same MODX instance).

One of those sites has a ContentBlocks domains, other use Fred. Due to contentblocks license checks, we had to create redirects to a single manager domain - but because Fred needs to check sessions while on frontend (different domains), it does not work. The domains are separate TLD’s, no subdomains here. → has ContentBlocks → has Fred → has Fred

Have you reached out to Mark @ modmore for help on this? He does have an article on this: Can I use a single license on a multi-context site or across different domains? - Support for modmore & SiteDash

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Not yet, at least not about this particular issue. I’ve made redirects on other sites, but here Fred is checking manager sessions on each domain, to show the frontend editor.
I want to avoid having a separate FE login page though, if possible.