Missing lexicon Entries in Package Manager 3.06-pl


The lexicon entries in the package manager seem to be missing, at least for English. Seem to be working for everything else.

Step to reproduce

Just fresh installed 3.06-pl

Observed behavior

I ran a reinstall with no change.

Expected behavior

Should see the lexicon entries, not the placeholders.


Alpine linux docker container, PHP 8.3, Nginx 1.27, mysql Ver 8.3.0

Does the file core/lexicon/en/workspace.inc.php exist?
Are the following lines in the file?

$_lang['installed_on'] = '[[+time]]';
$_lang['not_installed'] = 'Not Installed';

Also maybe try clearing the cache. Especially the folder core/cache/lexicon_topics/.

Yup, workspace.inc.php is there and the mentioned entries exist.

I have cleared the cache completely and still these entries are missing.

Looking at the workspace.inc.php contents and the database, it seems the keys are present in both locations.

What exactly do you mean by “database”? The database table modx_lexicon_entries? This database table should only contains entries that were changed manually in the manager.

I can’t reproduce this issue. When I install MODX 3.0.6-pl, the output in the package manager is correct.

Maybe also try clearing the browser cache.

Using dev tools here. Cache is cleared on each request.

I was under the impression that the entries in the lexicon files would also appear there but OK.

The only thing I can think of is I did try to install an addon called PageBlocks which doesn’t work with MODX 3 it seems (would be nice to know that before install) so had to manually remove some of that. Maybe there’s something left there though that’s influencing this though I did remove the plugin which should prevent any script injections.

This was all to try to devise a docker build and deploy system anyway, nothing more, so not the end of the world.

the documentation of pageBlocks says, it should work with 2 and 3

If that isn’t the case, you should report that here:
Issues · Boshnik/PageBlocksFree

So to do as you suggested, I just tried reinstalling PageBlocks and of course, this time it installed without issue.

Looks like a very useful package.

The lexicon strings are still missing though in the package manager but it really doesn’t impact on anything that isn’t disposable anyway.