Hi All,
I am building a cmp using migxdb in order to manage the Post Codes of Portugal. So far, so good, but I am facing a problem with migxdb db-filters.
It is stated that in order to have a successfull resetall button, the other boxes need to have a default value as seen and explained here:
The resetall works on the comboboxes, but not in text boxes.
Here is my code:
"caption":"CTT - C\u00f3digos Postais",
"caption":"Distrito *",
"description":"Campo Obrigat\u00f3rio - Distrito Associado",
"inputOptionValues":"@SELECT '' AS `name` ,'' AS `id` UNION ALL (SELECT `DESIG` AS `name`,`DD` as `id` FROM `[[+PREFIX]]ctt_distritos` WHERE `published` = 1 and `deleted` = 0)",
"caption":"Concelho *",
"description":"Campo Obrigat\u00f3rio - Concelho Associado",
"inputOptionValues":"@SELECT '' AS `name` ,'' AS `id` UNION ALL (SELECT `DESIG` AS `name`,`CC` as `id` FROM `[[+PREFIX]]ctt_concelhos` WHERE `published` = 1 and `deleted` = 0)",
"caption":"C\u00f3digo da Localidade *",
"description":"Campo Obrigat\u00f3rio - C\u00f3digo da Localidade",
"caption":"Nome da Localidade *",
"description":"Campo Obrigat\u00f3rio - Nome da Localidade",
"caption":"C\u00f3digo da Art\u00e9ria",
"description":"C\u00f3digo da Art\u00e9ria",
"caption":"Tipo de Art\u00e9ria",
"description":"Art\u00e9ria - Tipo (Rua, Praca, etc)",
"caption":"Primeira preposi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"description":"Primeira preposi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"caption":"Titulo da Art\u00e9ria",
"description":"Art\u00e9ria - Titulo (Doutor, Eng.\u00ba, Professor, etc)",
"caption":"Segunda preposi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"description":"Segunda preposi\u00e7\u00e3o",
"caption":"Art\u00e9ria - Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"description":"Art\u00e9ria - Designa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"caption":"Art\u00e9ria - Informa\u00e7\u00e3o do Local\/Zona",
"description":"Art\u00e9ria - Informa\u00e7\u00e3o do Local\/Zona",
"caption":"Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do tro\u00e7o",
"description":"Descri\u00e7\u00e3o do tro\u00e7o",
"caption":"N\u00famero da porta do cliente",
"description":"N\u00famero da porta do cliente (vazio para c\u00f3digos postais geogr\u00e1ficos - C\u00f3digo postal geogr\u00e1fico: quando o \u00faltimo digito do CP4 \u00e9 0 ou 5)",
"caption":"Nome do cliente",
"description":"Nome do cliente (vazio para c\u00f3digos postais geogr\u00e1ficos - C\u00f3digo postal geogr\u00e1fico: quando o \u00faltimo digito do CP4 \u00e9 0 ou 5)",
"caption":"N\u00fam. do c\u00f3digo postal *",
"description":"Campo Obrigat\u00f3rio - N\u00famero do c\u00f3digo postal",
"caption":"Extens\u00e3o do n\u00fam. do c\u00f3digo postal *",
"description":"Campo Obrigat\u00f3rio - Extens\u00e3o do n\u00famero do c\u00f3digo postal",
"caption":"Designa\u00e7\u00e3o Postal *",
"description":"Campo Obrigat\u00f3rio - Designa\u00e7\u00e3o Postal",
"caption":"Dispon\u00edvel *",
"description":"Marcador de disponibilidade. Este marcador ir\u00e1 mostrar ou ocultar o formador no site e na listagem de formadores nas datas dos cursos.\nAten\u00e7\u00e3o: Ao desactivar este formador, n\u00e3o ir\u00e1 invalidar datas que j\u00e1 foram ligadas a este formador.",
"emptytext":"-- Filtrar Distrito --",
"combowhere":"published=1 AND deleted=0",
"emptytext":"-- Filtrar Concelho --",
"combowhere":"published=1 AND deleted=0",
"emptytext":"-- CP4 --",
"emptytext":"-- CP3 --",
"migx_add":"Adicionar C\u00f3digo Postal",
"formcaption":"C\u00f3digo Postal - [[+CP4]]-[[+CP3]] [[+CPALF]]",
"update_win_title":"Gerir C\u00f3digos Postais",
"cmpmaincaption":"CTT - C\u00f3digos Postais",
"cmptabcaption":"C\u00f3digos Postais",
"cmptabdescription":"Gerir C\u00f3digos Postais",
"header":"Dist Cod",
"header":"Conc Cod",
"header":"Cod. Art\u00e9ria",
"header":"Art. Tipo",
"header":"1\u00aa Prep.",
"header":"Art. Titulo",
"header":"2\u00aa Prep.",
"header":"Art. Desig.",
"header":"Art. Local",
"header":"Des. Postal",
What am I doing wrong?
On top of this, how can I have combobox 2 depend on combobox 1 selection? I tried to use comboparent but without success as well.
Thanks all in advance