- MODX Revolution 2.8.5-pl
- MIGX 3.0.2-beta1
Under my current configuration there is a database field named introtext with precision 255.
<field key="introtext" dbtype="varchar" precision="255" phptype="string" null="false" default="" />
When entering data via a MIGX CMP the following error presents in a popup lightwindow quip.thread_err_save
The MODX Error Log clearly shows this is because the data entered is longer than 255 characters.
Data too long for column 'introtext' at row 1
Can anyone advise how to configure MIGX to alert the user to the length error as MODX would do for a TV of the same type?
I tried setting the Configs value for the introtext field to {"maxLength":"255"}
but this has no effect.
On the Docs for TV Input Types there are notes for all input option names (for use in migx options-json) eg.
"allowBlank": "true",
"maxLength": "",
"minLength": "",
"regex": "",
"regexText": ""
But I don’t see a field named options-json
in the MIGX config. What did I miss?
MIGX config is below
"caption":"Review caption",
"formcaption":"VenueReviewItem form caption",
"update_win_title":"VenueReviewItem window title",
"cmpmaincaption":"VenueReviewItem main caption",
"cmptabcaption":"VenueReviewItem tab caption",
"cmptabdescription":"VenueReviewItem tab description",