MIGX - Requested processor not found - error JS

Today, suddenly out of the blue, when I enter MIGX in MENU I get an error in JS: Requested processor not found .grid.js?mv=303pl:206 Does anyone have an idea what could have caused the error?


MODX version 3.0.3
PHP logo PHP Version 7.4.33

What version of MIGX are you using?

When you open the developer tools in the browser and go to the “Network” tab, and then click the “Refresh” button (↻) under the grid, is this the request that fails? With the action-parameter “mgr/migxdb/getlist”?
Does the file core/components/migx/processors/mgr/migxdb/getlist.class.php exist?

MIGX version 3.0.0-beta1

In Network”tab I have:


In Response tab:


I have core/components/migx/processors/mgr/migxdb/getlist.class.php

I’m not sure what the problem is here.

Does this file exist: core/components/migx/processors/mgr/default/getlist.php?
Does the request call this connector file assets/components/migx/connector.php?

What is the actual response of the request (in the “Network” tab of the developer tools)? What’s the HTTP response status code?

You could try updating to the latest version 3.0.2-beta1.
Maybe whatever is wrong with your current installation will get fixed.

Exist: core/components/migx/processors/mgr/default/getlist.php

Request call this connector file assets/components/migx/connector.php


The request parameters look all ok. Not sure why it won’t find the processor.

In the MODX error log, an error should get logged (“Unable to load processor for action …”) with the path in the error message, where it looks for the processor.

It should be the file core/components/migx/processors/mgr/migxdb/getlist.class.php.

Is there maybe a problem with the file permissions of this file (or the directory it’s in)?
Is the capitalization of the file correct (all lower case letters)?

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Woooooow! It works! The problem was a capital letter in the file name!
Instead of getList.class.php I typed getlist.class.php and it’s OK!
@halftrainedharry thank you very much for your help. I’m just wondering what could have caused it to suddenly stop working? I didn’t make it case insensitive! Could this error have been triggered by some server settings?

I believe it depends on the file system. There are file systems that are case sensitive and others that aren’t.
The wrong capitalization would still work on Windows, but breaks on Linux for example.

Then the file name: core/components/migx/processors/mgr/migxdb/getlist.class.php
should be corrected by the author (lowercase). Where can I report such an error to be corrected?

The file name should be correct in the code.
At least it is in the current version of the code on Github.

I guess the name was changed to lower case some time ago, and during the update of the extra, the file system didn’t change the name (as for a case insensitive file system nothing has changed).

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