I don’t know if you can nest configs directly in JSON. Personally I always use the GUI instead of writting the JSON configuration by hand.
In the manager menu, go to “Extras” → “MIGX”. Add a new config in the tab “MIGX”. Then use the ‘name’ of this new config in “configs”-field of the wrapper configuration.
For the migx inputTVtype, I have two fileds named “name” and “work_carousel”.
For the field “work_carousel” I used inputTVtype “migx”, but how can I add field for this “work_carousel”?
In the field “Configs” you write the name of the nested MIGX-config and not the JSON-data.
You either create 2 MIGX configs. 1 for the wrapper MIGX and 1 for the nested MIGX. Then in the wrapper MIGX-config → field ‘work_carousel’ → input field “Configs” → you put the name of the other MIGX-config.
Or you create only one MIGX config for the nested MIGX. And then use "configs": "name_of_nested_migx_config" in your JSON (in the field “Form Tabs” when creating the TV.)
I have been trying to make a migx field for the last two hours. But it’s loading.
Sometimes one popup shows up but another one doesn’t.
Even, the manager page takes a long time to load. I have restarted my PC a couple of times.
In your Parent migx TV, use "inputTV": "work_carousel_tvs". You are now using an actual TV. So you don’t have to define the "inputTVtype" anymore. That is defined by the actual TV “work_carousel_tvs”. You also don’t need "configs", because the configuration is directly defined in the TV “work_carousel_tvs”.
In your Child migx TV, remove “inputTV”. (Don’t reference the parent in the child.)
Then in the chunk “an_actual_chunk” put another “getImageList” tag and use the &value property instead of &tvname.
(The data is not actually stored in the TV “work_carousel”. It’s stored as the field “carousel” in the TV “works_type”)
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