Hello forum,
i am looking for a way to have a migx input to show html tags in the frontend.
I already tried input tv type = “richtext”.
It didn’t work. The result was a complete json string of the tab instead of the bare text string or even parsed html.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Where didn’t it work? In the manager? On the front-end?
If it’s on the front-end, then how exactly did you output the MIGX content?
Hi @halftrainedharry
thank you for your response.
Sorry for being unprecize.
The frontend did not output the html tag; meaning the tag was not parsed.
Any ideas?
Unfortunately, I’m still not sure what you mean exactly?
Is it, that you (for example) enter a bold text in the MIGX richtext input field, and on the front-end it displays <b>bold text</b>
with the HTML tags showing?
- How exactly to you output the MIGX content? Do you use “getImageList”? What template-chunk do you use with “getImageList”?
- The HTML tags on the front-end, are the brackets shown as
and <
in the source code?
- What Richtext Editor extra do you use in the manager?
@halftrainedharry I’d better RTFM first and then bother you guys. Sorry.