Migx - change input tvtype based on another field?

Hello, I have a question about setting up migx Entry form.
One of the fields, “additional_options” in my migx tv setup is actually another migxtv which consists of two fields, “parameter” and “value” so I can add multiple parameter-value pair.

“parameter” 's input tvtype is a listbox with set number of parameters to chose from.

What I would like to accomplish is to change value field’s input tvtype depending on a parameter chosen.

Is it do-able?

Maybe you could use “Multiple Formtabs” for this, as described here:


Thank you! That was it! I have seen that setup before but it did not register that I could bind the ‘multiple formtabs field’ to a specific field (in my case ‘parameter’) then the form itself needed the only “value” field with appropriate migx or migx type.

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