MIGX array output in Frontned

Hello there.
I am new to MIGX. I created a migx configuration to output complete chunks in a template. The idea is to build a page with chosen/given chunks.
When outputting the selections, this is displayed:

    [MIGX_id] => 3
    [chunk] => 

It's chunk 1

    [_alt] => 0
    [_first] => 1
    [_last] => 1
    [idx] => 1
    [property.tvname] => chunktv
    [property.tpl] => 

The MIGX TV is called via:


Where the chunk selected is in the middle of the output.

Who can help? Which further information do I need to provide?
Many thanks in advance!


Where is this placeholder set?
The output you posted implies that MIGX can’t find the template-chunk that corresponds to the value of this placeholder.

In this case, there is no need to call this snippet uncached (with the !).

Thanks for pointing this out @halftrainedharry.