mChimpX Not Adding New Records

Hi, I am having trouble getting mChimpX to function. I have before, but no records are added to the MailChimp “Audience” on my new site. It does send me an email with the form information, but does not redirect the user to the Thank You landing page.

   &emailSubject=`Website Contact`
   &emailToName=`Activate Info`
   &emailFromName=`Website Name`
   &emailFrom=`[email protected]`
   &emailTo=`[email protected]`
   &formName=`Contact Form`

Has anyone had issues recently with this? Was there a change to the API? Thanks for the assistance!

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So I have to answer my own question, mChimpX does not support API 3. I just styled one of their forms instead. I loose Formit save feature, but it’s not a big deal.

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