Login-Extra not working on "Safari-Engine" on Modx 3

@mr.tobe can you enable friendly url’s and check if that solves the issue?

@joshualuckers in the projects in which this is noticed, of course, it is on. but to test I’ve turned it on here now.

So I now have an empty MODX environment only the extra login installed.

And what should I say. same behavior!

I’m really stumped…

@dejaya sorry i missed your comment

<p><div class="loginForm">
    <div class="loginMessage"></div>
    <div class="loginLogin">
        <form class="loginLoginForm" action="test-login-2.html" method="post">
            <fieldset class="loginLoginFieldset">
                <legend class="loginLegend">Einloggen</legend>
                <label class="loginUsernameLabel">Benutzername
                    <input class="loginUsername" type="text" name="username" />
                <label class="loginPasswordLabel">Passwort
                    <input class="loginPassword" type="password" name="password" />
                <input class="returnUrl" type="hidden" name="returnUrl" value="/test-login-2.html" />

                <input class="loginLoginValue" type="hidden" name="service" value="login" />
                <span class="loginLoginButton"><input type="submit" name="Login" value="Einloggen" /></span>

this is displayed on my ipad

That is the View Source - but the form isn’t displayed?

So - out of interest - could you try putting that code in a simple HTML file and load that from your device - to test taking MODX out of the equation altogether?

@dejaya the login mask is displayed normally on our devices. Even if I submit the form without a user and password, I get the message that it was a bottle of input.


this is now a plain file…

Sorry - I don’t have apple devices - is it visible?

@dejaya sorry then I misunderstood you… but the form has always been visible… and can also be used. but after the “successful” login, I get the same blank/empty form again. And wasn’t loggedin. If I use wrong data for the process, I get the message that the data used is wrong.

In the developer tools of the browser you should see the cookies. (In Firefox it’s in the tab “Storage”.)
When you visit the login page the first time, you should see a cookie (as anonymous users get a cookie as well).
When you now log in, the cookie should change.
Does the cookie exist and does it change?

I never get a cookie on the iPad (at least in the debugger/dev tools in safari) regardless of whether the login works (manager) or not (login extra)… just waiting for a colleague with a Macbook

So I’m on to something right now, after multiple reinstallations and various tests with different DB, php versions, old modx version update to v3 and so on. the problem lies in the core directory.

Because I reloaded the installation package and immediately started with the v303 installation and did not use the package that we already had locally and then updated to the latest version with Upgrademodx.

After a few tests, I integrated the new and the old db into modx32.carra.de. that made no changes. Then I went through folder by folder and exchanged the folders.

assets - no change
manager - no change
connectors - no change
core - LOGIN works

But unfortunately only once… I’m just trying to reproduce it again.

After some searching and back and forth, I solved the problem with logging into Safari. I just don’t understand how the problem arises.

If I define a BASE_URL (<base href="[[++base_url]]" />) in the context settings, the login does not work on all Apple devices.

Does somebody has any idea?