Login Extra - giving error and users not getting email to validate


Registration form works fine.

Step to reproduce

Error log reports:
path_to_modx_root/modx/core/components/login/model/login/login.class.php : 180) [Login] An error occurred while trying to send the email. Message body empty

Observed behavior

No emails being sent, message has no body??

Expected behavior

Should just work, send the email, wait for validation, add user as active when submitted via email validation link


MODX version 3.03-pl

Is this the Register snippet, that creates the problem?
Did you set the property “activationEmailTpl” for the email text? Is the value of this property the name of an existing chunk?
What version of the Login extra are you using?
If the problem is not the “activationEmailTpl” property, can you share the exact snippet tag you use on your site?

Chunk HTML lgnActivateEmailTpl (9)


Thanks for registering! To activate your new account, please click on the following link:


If you did not request this message, please ignore it.

------------------------------------ Register Resource -


&activationEmailSubject=Thanks for Registering!
&validate=nospam:blank, username:required:minLength=^6^, password:required:minLength=^6^, password_confirm:password_confirm=^password^, fullname:required, email:required:email

<form class="form" action="[[~[[*id]]]]" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="nospam" value="[[!+reg.nospam]]" />

    <label for="username">[[%register.username? &namespace=`login` &topic=`register`]]
        <span class="error">[[!+reg.error.username]]</span>
    <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value="[[!+reg.username]]" />

    <label for="password">[[%register.password]]
        <span class="error">[[!+reg.error.password]]</span>
    <input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="[[!+reg.password]]" />

    <label for="password_confirm">[[%register.password_confirm]]
        <span class="error">[[!+reg.error.password_confirm]]</span>
    <input type="password" name="password_confirm" id="password_confirm" value="[[!+reg.password_confirm]]" />

    <label for="fullname">[[%register.fullname]]
        <span class="error">[[!+reg.error.fullname]]</span>
    <input type="text" name="fullname" id="fullname" value="[[!+reg.fullname]]" />

    <label for="email">[[%register.email]]
        <span class="error">[[!+reg.error.email]]</span>
    <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="[[!+reg.email]]" />

    <br class="clear" />

    <div class="form-buttons">
        <input type="submit" name="registerbtn" value="Register" />

Login ver: login-1.9.11-pl
any help be muchly appreciated

In the snippet tag, you use the value “myActivationEmailTpl” for the email template, but above you posted the content of the chunk “lgnActivateEmailTpl”! Does the chunk “myActivationEmailTpl” exist?

Also, when you post code in this forum, please add a line with 3 backticks above and below the code, so the code is formatted correctly.

```//Line with 3 backticks above the code
the code
```//Line with 3 backticks below the code

Ok, thx, it did not exist, I have edited register resource to include


And I finally get emails!
Many thanks, on to testing it further now.
Regards James