Linode S3 ACL issue MODX3

Hi All!
I’m trying to set up Media Sources for Linode S3 on MODx3.
I’ve selected AmazonS3 as Source type and filled all necessary parameters and it’s working, except ACL(visibility) settings, and thumbnails.
I suppose Linode use acl property for configuring visibility, whereas Amazon uses visibility property for it. I created additional property acl for Media source but no luck, seems it does not pass to the S3 server.
here is the link on Linode S3 manual. It contains examples how to manage buckets using curl

Also I see all images of a bucket and can manage them, but image thumbs do not generates if file has private access. Maybe should I add additional credentials for phpthumb or so?
How can I resolve theses issues?
Thank you.


I’m using MODX3, PHP 8.1.6