Limit modx manager user to a specific namespace in lexicon


Is it correct that there is no way to limit a user to a single namespace for the lexicon to edit? I can only set namespaces that the user is not allowed to see/edit.

Of course i could hide all namespaces to user besides the one i would like them to edit. But that would mean that the lexicon is also not available in the manager for the user. So that would lead to empty buttons etc. in the manager.

Is there a good way to give manager users access to a specific namespace to edit their lexicon strings?

Thanks a lot.

I don’t know of any way to do that, but you could create a CMP or a front-end form to let them edit the lexicon files and restrict access in the code.

Thank you @bobray for your answer. I thought so too. Its something that i am missing a long time - so i decided to create a modx extra for it:

If someone else would like to provide the editors to edit their lexicon strings: feel free to use the extra.


What an excellent idea. Thanks for contributing that. :slight_smile: