Leftover Lexicons

I noticed several lexicon entries for Extras that have either been uninstalled or changed significantly. For example, SimpleSearch. I have entries for both the older “sisea” and the current “simplesearch.”

Can I safely remove these entries? If so, how?

Are these lexicon entries where you manually changed the value?

Normally the lexicon entries are all defined in files (located in core/components/<name_of_the_extra>/lexicon/) and are removed when an extra is uninstalled.

When you change the value of a lexicon entry manually in the manager (manager/?a=workspaces/lexicon), then a row gets added to the database table modx_lexicon_entries.
It should be removed again, when you select right-click → “Revert Lexicon Entry” in the manager.

I’ve only edited lexicon entries via the Manager. Right-clicking does nothing.

If you can’t delete the entries in the manager, then the values are probably from a lexicon file.

You could check :gear: → “Namespaces” (manager/?a=workspaces/namespace).
The dropdown in the lexicon page is generated from this list of namespaces. The lexicon files are located in the directory defined in the column “Core Path” + /lexicon/<language_code>/topic.inc.php.

Maybe there still exist directories/files from uninstalled extras that are not longer necessary. Maybe different namespaces just point to the same folder.
I can’t give you a general statement whether it is save to delete these files.

I manually deleted the leftover (sisea) lexicon entries from the db. Couldn’t find any leftover directories. Whatever the cause it seems the lexicon entries were the only things that got left behind.

Were they related to System Settings for extras? I believe those get stored in the lexicon table in the DB.

As far as I could tell they were not related to any System Settings.