Issue with placeholders


I saw an old issue on the old forum when googling for a solution: Formit: placeholders in email notification not working, outputting placeholders | MODX Community Forums
In my case not applicable, as the field is already required.

Step to reproduce

This is part of the problem. Reproduction so far has been nearly impossible barring 1 random reproduction I managed to make.
2 (non-test)known cases in about a year timespan.
But impacts customer and customer’s customer because both receive a copy.
Mind you that the customer has about 20-30 good receipts for every 1 that went wrong

Observed behavior

We have a field with dropdowns for birthdate.
Customer puts in 2 different birthdates(1 for themselves, 1 for their partner) for a partnermassage they are trying to reserve.
The first one is always correct, the second one ‘breaks’ and shows placeholders for the meant to be value.

Expected behavior

It should accept both dates and output dates for both entries in the e-mail. The field requires validation, so people messing with the inspect or things like such, should not be possible.




Visual on the issue (1 good example and 1 going wrong):

Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 17.54.56

Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 17.52.53

Can you maybe share the FormIt tag you use, and the part of the form with the date-of-birth dropdowns?

Also, in the email-chunk, do you use just placeholders or is there something more complex (like nested tags or output modifiers) involved?

Hi Halftrainedharry,

<div class="grid-x grid-padding-x align-center">
			<div class="cell small-12 medium-8 xlarge-6 grid-x">
			  <div class="small-3 medium-3 xlarge-3">
				  <select id='birth-day-partner' class='birth-day medium-3' name='birth-day-partner'>
					  <option value="" selected disabled>dag</option>
			  <div class="small-6 medium-6 xlarge-6">
				  <select id='birth-month-partner'  class='birth-month' name='birth-month-partner'>
					  <option value="" selected disabled>maand</option>
			  <div class="small-3 medium-3 xlarge-3">
				  <select id='birth-year-partner' class='birth-year' name='birth-year-partner'>
					  <option value="" selected disabled>jaar</option>
<div class="grid-x grid-padding-x align-center">
			<div class="cell small-12 medium-8 xlarge-6 grid-x">
			  <div class="small-3 medium-3 xlarge-3">
				  <select id='birth-day' class='birth-day medium-3' name='birth-day' required>
					  <option value="" selected disabled>dag</option>
			  <div class="small-6 medium-6 xlarge-6">
				  <select id='birth-month'  class='birth-month' name='birth-month' required>
					  <option value="" selected disabled>maand</option>
			  <div class="small-3 medium-3 xlarge-3">
				  <select id='birth-year' class='birth-year' name='birth-year' required> 
					  <option value="" selected disabled>jaar</option>

So as you can see, I missed a crucial part on my end. Apparently the partner birthday is NOT required. It was only made that way on the front-end. :stuck_out_tongue: So I will be trying this to see where that leads first. IF the issue persists with that change, I will get back on this topic to see if you might be able to help out then.

Apologies for wasting your time (as it sits now)!

Have a good one!